Survival of the Fittest E-Learning Modules


Ready to purchase? One you have placed our order, our team will reach out to you to obtain your participant list and confirm your administrator’s information. Based on the information you provide, we will set-up your E-Learning environment for launch in as little as 24 hours. Your administrator will receive instructions on accessing the dashboard to obtain analytics and each of your participants will receive and invitation to complete the E-Learning modules.

Transform your apprenticeship and training program with the Survival of the Fittest E-Learning Program. Based on our bestselling book, with over 100,000 copies distributed, this program delivers 16 interactive and dynamic e-learning modules that combine video, questions, knowledge checks, and exercises for student learners. The content is self-paced, actionable, and relevant to the job site, no matter where a learner is in their career. Upon completion, the program concludes with a test of knowledge and attitude change that requires a 70% accuracy rate for a completion certificate.  Our team will work closely with you to set up your e-learning environment and launch in as little as 24 hours after you place your order. Your administrator will have access to a dashboard for analytics, and each of your participants will receive an invitation to complete the e-learning modules. Take the first step towards improving performance and retention in your apprenticeship and training program with the Survival of the Fittest E-Learning Program.

What you will receive:

  • 16 Modules with 8 hours of learning content
  • Use of Learning Management System to complete modules
  • Access to analytics dashboard for groups completing the training content
  • Certificate of completion at end of module set

Sample to review (Use PW 123):


Single User $79/ea, about $10/learning hour
Pack of 25 users $69/ea, about $9/learning hour
Pack of 50 users $59/user, about $7/learning hour
Pack of 100 users $49/user, about $6/learning hour
Pack of 200+ users $45/user, about $5.50/learning hour

Over 500 Users? Call us at (925) 705-7662