Professional Construction Leader (PCL) Learning

YPO Complimentary Subscription

Maximize team productivity, develop field leadership skills and gain a competitive edge for your company with the nation’s #1 micro-learning platform for construction leaders.

26 PCL video coaching lessons + follow up questions to get the most out of the training videos. *1 per company. Limited time offer for YPO members only, ends March 4, 2020.

This offer has expired, but we can set you up with a demo to test out PCL Learning. Just let us know by contacting Jaime.

Questions about PCL Learning subscription, or want to try a demo?

Contact Jaime at (925) 705-7662, email at jainsworth@breslin.biz or schedule a call.

What is PCL Learning?

Professional Construction Leader (PCL) Learning is a field leader training platform.  Cutting-edge micro-learning lessons are delivered with the flexibility of mobile technology sent directly to the field leader.

Why choose PCL Learning for your Field Leaders?

Over 20,000 Professional Construction Leaders and counting chose PCL Learning to remain ahead of the competition now and in the future.

Top Companies Rely on PCL Learning

Changing Leaders. Changing Lives.

Want to check out other products and services Mark recommends for your Field Leaders?

The Five Minute Foreman

The Five Minute Foreman

No one in construction has been given more responsibility and less formal preparation or training. Give your foremen the tools and the time to grow and succeed and Mastering the People Side of Construction.

Alpha Dog Book & Study Guide

The competence, judgment and capacity of leaders determines the bottom line. Be an Alpha Dog – Leading, Managing & Motivating in the Construction Industry.

Mark Breslin

Field Leader Workshop

June 26, 2020. Sign up your field leaders now for our first ever Field Leader Workshop in Denver, Colorado.

Mark Breslin

Mark Breslin Live

Join hundreds of other firms from small to international in training leaders and implementing actionable ideas on workplace engagement, productivity and workforce development.


Jackie has answers. Ask about Mark’s books, PCL video coaching, speaking engagement, scheduling, or anything else.

Jackie Dixon

Contact Jackie at (510) 329-6499, email at jdixon@breslin.biz or schedule a call.